Sunday, May 22, 2011

#5 Mobile phones - argument

Mobile phones are important in this world. There are some people who drive dangerously. In this essay, I will write about making mobile phones illegal while driving and discussing both sides of the argument.

First, we will look at why using mobile phones and driving dangerously should be illegal. When you drive and you have an important call you can stop and complete your call on the side of the road, but you still can talk from your car. There are now a lot of people using Black Berry who they drive that is big a problem and dangerous for himself and people. If you have an important call, and you don’t have your headphone, you can put your phone on speaker and complete your driving, but be safe.

Now let us look at people who drive and why they shouldn’t use mobile phones. First, if illegal then police can stop people on the road. If there is a law then police are able to enforce it and give people tickets to not do it another time. The accident percentage will go down. If people aren’t using their mobiles, then they will concentrate on their driving. The traffic fines will help pay for traffic safety programs and if the people go to see this programs the percentage for accident will go down.

There are arguments for and against using mobile for in your car. In my opinion if you want to use mobile phone we should have headphone to be safe when you drive.

Omar Yaqoob

CEJ words: 261

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