Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sport injuries

This is table witch givens information about sports injuries. Four the different sports.
The Australian footballs have a bigger number of sports injuries maybe gates 10,122 and 24.5%. The soccer, Rugby, Cricket, Basketball and Netball have similar number of sports injuries and similar percent but in Rugby they have high percentage of all, at 10.9%. Martial Arts squash and volleyball is the least of all in number of sports injuries and in percent, but in volleyball they have nothing less in admitted to hospital they got 2.2%. although in Rugby, Netball, Hockey and squash they have a high percent in injuries during competition or practice they gat between 100% and 90%, also on Australian football, Soccer, Cricket and Basketball they in middle between 80% and 85%. Final, Martial Arts and Volleyball they get a less percent of them maybe between 70% and 80%.
The table illustrates the similarities and differences between sports injuries. It shows the percent age of sports, overall football and rugby are more violent with higher injuries, while non- violent sports like Volleyball or Squash are the least dangerous.
Omar yaqoob
Words: 190

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